Primary School Structure

Primary Education
In general the Primary education consists of a four-year foundation stage from Primary 1 to Primary 4 and a two year orientation stage from Primary 5 to Primary 6.

At the foundation stage, the core curriculum comprises of English Language, Mother tongue and Mathematics are taught with supplementary subjects such as Music, Art & crafts, Physical education and social studies.

Recognising that every child is unique, with different aptitudes, capabilities and talents. Our schools believe in providing a balanced education that caters to children's different abilities and prepares them for life. Subject-based Banding has been introduced to ensure that your child's interest and strengths are taken into consideration. Introduced as a refinement to the streaming process, Subject-based Banding aims to help every child realise his potential.

PACT does not offer admission test for Primary 1 and Primary 6, as the latter is a critical stage - no direct admission is allowed as the student will not have sufficient preparation time for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) held towards the end of the year.

PACT admission test for Primary level comprises of two subjects - English Language and Mathematics.